21 December 2013

Let me dream

Let me dream
let me fly with hope,
that you are my land,
don’t break me,
don’t bring me down,
with broken wings,
without hope to fall.
Let me love you,
let me be in love,
let me fly and dream,
and u will be my sky!

To C.

Forbidden love

I will breath if i have
your love for me
I will see if i have
your face in front of me
I will hear if i recognize
your voice whispering me
i will be me...if i have you
for the rest of the years
when my life is gone
when i remain alone
with the dead by my side
with my last breath
i will then tell my secret,
how that sweet memory
of the forbidden love we got,
kept me alive all that time.
I love you my life.

To C

13 September 2013


My tears fall
like rivers of pain
like falling black rain.
Was that your goal?
to hurt me
like any other
then say sorry
wont happen again
till tomorrow.....
or any other day
when u wont
love me again!

To C

29 August 2013


Sta oneira se eida
pos konda mou eisai
kai san enas zografos
zografises kardia
mesa stin psixi mou
kai tin danises ftera
kai mporuse na petha
i psixi mou pio psila
mexri ta asteria eftase
kai esy perimenes eki
sta dika mou oneira
gia na me paris aggalia
ston ourano sta sinefa
apo ta mathia makria
gia na sosis tin agapi
pou ekripsa vathia
san mikri psixoulla
pou tin edoses
magika ftera.....
se sena na ftasei....
krata me....kai......
min me afiseis ksana
moni na palevo
sta oneira na se girevo
yparxis gia mena pia!

To C

Tha eimai edo....

Tha eimai ekei konda 
otan xreiazesai aggalia 
ta dakrya na stegnwsw 
kai na se akouo na milas. 
Tha eimai ekei konda 
otan fevgei i elpida 
kai parameneis sta palia 
tha se kratao sfyxta 
tha vroume dromous 
kai na tin feroume ksana 
tin elpida sou....teleftea 
gia na proxoriseis dynata 
emena dipla sou tha exeis 
gia panda sta kryfa 
sto paradeiso tha eimai 
kai stis kolasis fwtia.

To C.

26 August 2013

Love hurts

Love may hurts
with the loved one`s words
those lips you are kissing
and the eyes you are missing
may hurt your heart and soul
and make u fall
100 times a day and then
send you in the sky
like a bird in dreams to fly.

To C

15 May 2013


Eimai afto pou eimai
ligo trelli ligo romantiki
mou aresoun ta apla
den pethw sta sinefia
ala pistevo...yparxi agapi
afto pou eisai opos eisai
xoris alages xoris parapona
gia na dinnis kai na pernis
hadia kai filia xoris na skeftese
ma ti skeftete gia mena tora.
Horis na elgxis kate leksi
oti mpori na se paraksegisi.
Afto eimai ego
gia kapkios kali
gia alos kai kaki mpori
Agapa me gia afto pou eimai
oxi gia afto pou mporo na gino!

To C

13 May 2013


Mia kalinyxta simeni polla
simeni se skeftoume akoma
na se exo sta oneira angalia
as kai eimai makria........
Mia kalinyxta ti simeni,
an se vriski to proi
se ali angalia ksenni.
Mia kalinyxta ti einai gia mena,
einai stin agapi kremena
kai esy den eixes wra
oute gia kalinyxta
oute gia Sagapw akoma......

30 April 2013

Dont know how.....

I dont know how or why
but you inspire me every time
you make me write and breath.....
just a single word from your lips....
can turn my world my day and night
my soul was looking for yours tonight....!


You was in my life,
for a moment in time..........
after that remain.....
a taste of love..........
felt like a pain........
dont hurt me again!


Again good night
the day is gone
darkness has come!
Starless night
listening the wind....
Behind my eyes
i see tomorrow
as a scary ways
i have to walk again!

Wedding in the sky

Last night i saw ...
the sky full of light
the Moon was bride....
dressed with cloud veil
she was waiting that night...
her groom to come....
here in their sky home...
He was her dream......her Sun
but he was in the other side...
She cried with the falling stars
because he didn't come
let her with the best man
to wait till down.....
she will wait tonight again....
and so till comes the end.....

29 April 2013

Shadows in the dark

Sitting here alone,
my soul like empty room
my mistakes like artists
looking them creating
weird paintings on the walls.....
Like black and white
movie from the past...
they play  every single part.....
I am here alone and i see,
soul-an empty room
heart- that is looking
desperate to beat again....
Like cracks on the walls
all my mistakes are painting
one familiar face in black,
your face like a shadow
one more mistake in the dark.

23 April 2013

Sose me

eida efialtes ksana,
pos fevgis apo mena....
kai emina moni
na palevo sta palia
me skepsis perdemena.
Meine edo meine konda
mia aggalia sou
mia fili tha me sosi
kai fovos den tha nioso
gine to kosmo mou
agapi mou esy
aggelos dikos mou.

16 April 2013

Perimeno edo

Perimeno edo
kai sto domatio
ta lathi mou
san skies zografikes
pezoun ergo palio
ergo parelthon...

Emina moni  edo
san ena domatio
einai i psixi palevi
gia lefteo anapnoi...

Eisouna gia mena
kai gi kai ourano
kai perimeno edo...
sto domatio skotino
mesa mou i monaxia....

San regmennos
pano stous tixous
olata lathi mou
zografizoun ksana
ena gnosto prosopo....
to diko sou...mia skia.

10 April 2013


Tha gino neraida gia sena
na sou fero oneira glyka
apo ta paramithia magika
gia na min eisai monos pia
oute stin zoi oute sta oneira
na eimai eki mono gia sena
kai esy komati apo mena,
an prepi na zw gia panda....
san neraida magemena.

09 April 2013

Sad day....

Sad day

That was dedicated to the son of a friend who died from over dose  :(

08 April 2013


Love it's a phoenix
that arises from the ashes,
so if you stay close to the fireplace
where the love was burning your
soul and mind it can take seconds
to make you burn in the very same fire.

07 April 2013

Among the stars

Live your cigarette
kiss me again
show me the moon
reflected in your eyes
holding me tide
in your hands
take me there
among the stars.


I tried to reach the sky
I couldn't get there
I burned in a spark from hell
healed by feather from an angel
and then silence nothing remain
just empty sky lonely nights
full of empty dreams for love,
unreachable for human being.

Любовна песен

Лутах се сама,
търсех любовта,
но ето че дойде
на моята врата.
Срещнах те така
сякъш бе познат
от красив живот
в сънуван свят.
Открадна ми съня,
дари ми светлина
събуждах се с мечти
за твоите очи.
Обикнах те в мига,
щом чух гласа
знаех че си ти,
моята любов
от моите мечти.
Моята душа
отразена в твоята
обичам те сега
моя сбъдната мечта.

Dear friend...

My dear friend,
the loss is great
the pain so big
that no words
can explain,
i just hope for you
to find piece of mind
and carry on with her
always in your thoughts
with the greatest love
hand in hand as you go.
She is an angel now
watching over you
please don't cry
God will save her soul.

06 April 2013

Hurt no more

When someone hurt you
you cant just pass by
the pain will stay
and will hurt again
when someone bet raid you
you cant just forgive
because it wont be last!
If you need hug and peace
and instead you get slap
just turn and run away!
When the things you need
its not what you get
don't stay there
try to find them
with other person
walk other way.
I was hurt every day
it was lack of love
lack of touch
lack of understanding
but I didn't stay,
to punish my self
just because
was a choice
I have made...
I left.


The morning has come
next to me again
the loneliness it self
She kept me in embrace
shadow from the darkness
she crept in my dreams....
and made them nightmares...
Go away now please
let me love again
give me chance
to show the love a way
to my frozen heart
and my empty days.

The thief

Walking in the night,
looking for you,
give my heart back.
You took it from me,
took my eyes away,
cant see anyone else
its you in my dreams.
Searching for my love,
you played with her
made her yours
with super powers
over me and my life.
I hated you...still do
I love you even now
when you are done
and finished to hurt
and finished to play
the game you called love
but it was my flame
that i burned in again.

Fairy tail

I want to live in a fairy tale,
to love to be loved,
to know that someone
is waiting for me at home.
I want to live with love,
I know I have it
somewhere in the world,
waiting for me to find her.
I want to live in a painting
to be a beautiful,
which every day for me,
someone painted with beautiful colors.
to live fairy tale
one and every day to be a surprise.
I want to believe in love,
in the sun sets and beautiful Moon,
I'd like shared fantasy
to become a shared dream.


My soul melted away
in the twilight of such day
as the sigh of silk
is ripped the soul!
As in the giddy waltz
has turned earth
the day is gone
the night has come
in the dreams I will wander
among the stars and the moon
on the dark earth
embraced the dreams alone!

For my daughter

I was hiding my tears,
i didn't want her to see
and cry my tears with me.
I want her smile
to bloom on her lips
and stars to sparkle
in her her eyes.
Its hard but will be fine.
I will handle it again
one more time.
She is my little girl
with an angel`s soul
she is my whole life
and my reason to survive.

Aggalia me ta asteria

Svise to tsigaro,
fila me xana,
dikse to feggari
sta dio sou mathia
pare me svixta
sta dio sou hergia
pare me xana
aggalia me ta asteria.


I know my heart is shell-folded...unbreakable shell
that i want to break with a single scream
from the bottom of my soul and let my heart free
to love and feel again....
but i am so scared at the same time
because of the past hurting scars
that may open again same pain in different way....
i know how you feel i have been there
when you know what you want
with the person you are
when you feel that he is in different rails
and about to go away...
when you are dieing to hold him in your life....
feeling helpless to stop the time....